News from the lab
AI Tinkerers
Lucas was invited to demo at the AI Tinkerers Halloween event in London. The basic premise of this demo was to do a short performance that could only begin after a functional DJ controller had been generated. This meant the demo had to be delivered within the constraints of essentially generating a working controller with a single prompt.
Experiments in the lab led to the conclusion that reliably generating a working controller in a single prompt meant that result token count needed to be limited to the representation of relatively simple application states. For example generating a controller of the complexity shown in (1) was too problematic in terms of being achieved in a single prompt, quite apart from the issue of having to physically describe this level of configuration and functionality.
At the same time, providing too little information would often result in fundamental functionality being left out of the app, for example in (2) a result is shown that had a correctly instantiated audio graph but no crossfader control, despite the fact the contextual information was provided that the app state was to be a 'dj mixer'.
An aim of our work is to directly interpret goals in terms of functional interactive systems, however we are still at the point where to do things like reliably generating functional apps in a single prompt, the input contextual information needs to be fundamentally quite declarative. For the purposes of this demo, the solution was to use a declarative prompt that described almost all the functionality of a 'minimum viable' controller, with the final result shown in (3).
Also, some tweaks to the prototype were made to make it as likely as possible that a functional controller would be the model's response. For example 'switching off' the ability of the planning agent to route the synthesis process toward the generation of a discrete component. This had the unintended (but predictable) consequence that prompting for results that did not match the central use-case of the demo failed. An objective for the next demo will be to demonstrate a more flexible version of the system, probably where the absolute correctness of a single use-case is not so crucial.
Thanks to Louis Knight-Webb and Monzo.
Causal Islands
This Berlin edition of The Future of Computing Conference provided inspiring talks and great discussions. Malleable software, decentralised systems and social computing were common themes.
Thanks to Boris Mann, Orion Reed, Tldraw, Kosmik and Gitbutler.
The Future of Interfaces
Very high quality demos and discussions at this Deep Tech Week event in SoMa. Brilliant demos across spatial apps, neurotech, experimental hardware, novel control surfaces and simulated software. Grateful for the opportunity to get feedback on our own demos during the discussion.
Thanks to Andrew Côté, Sampriti Bhattacharyya, Hyperstition Incorporated, South Park Commons.
Weights & Biases Executive Evening
Grateful to be invited to this intimate event in SoMa. Great insights from the speakers around moving gen AI systems into production.
Thanks to Alex Volkov, Phillip Reinhart, JAX Vineyards.
AI Engineer World's Fair
Productive event in San Francisco, including pitches, networking, product demos, tutorials and presentations. Great discussions with founders, designers and engineers from across the US and beyond.
Thanks to Swyx and the rest of the organisers.
Neo4j Startup Program
After working with the Neo4j platform for research and prototyping, we are pleased to announce that we are now a member of the startup program. While we work with diverse, heterogenous representations, graph structures form a core part of our approach, and we look forward to working more closely with Neo4j as we transition from POCs into production demos.
Sónar+D 2024
Another incredible year at Sónar in Barcelona. Naturally a bigger focus on AI this time, with some thoughtful discussions, great product demos, and amazing experimental shows. Great to hear from Stability AI, IRCAM, Rob Clouth, DataMind Audio, KREA, Intelligent Instruments Lab, and many others.
Creative AI Forum
Creative Informatics and the Scottish AI Alliance will host an evening on June 13th, including presentations and demos from the Creative AI Demonstrator projects. The event will be held in Glasgow at The Boardwalk, and will serve as a showcase for the potential of AI in the creative industries.
Thanks again to Creative Informatics for supporting our work.
The Future of Creativity and AI
A new report from the Creative Informatics team provides insights and recommendations for supporting the creative industries through the current technological and cultural transformation. The report includes findings from the Creative AI Demonstrator programme that we participated in.
More info here.
AI Builders @ Betaworks
Lucas was invited to the AI Builders event. Great conversations with engineers and founders in the New York community.
Thanks to Neel and the Betaworks team.
LLM London
Lucas gave a public demo at the LLM London meetup and answered audience questions around prototyping multi-agent systems.
Thanks to the LLM London team, Cherrypick and
MindSynth selected for the Creative AI Music and Audio Pilot
We have been to selected to receive grant funding through the Creative Informatics R&D programme to support the development of our audio functionality.
Thanks to the Creative Informatics team, the University of Edinburgh and AHRC.
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